Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Surfing on White Powder!

This has been one of the warmest weekends of this winter 2013!! Sadly no surf anywhere around to be seen and with that craving that we all –surfers- have I am going to hit the slopes and carve some more at Moonstone! I have only done this once maybe 5 years ago and although it went alright –by alright I mean no broken bones, only broken cell phone, glasses and my pants! – I am super excited to go. Mind you I will have a super sexy, wild and awesome snowboard instructor showing me how to kick as on some white powder!!

Helene F and I have been shopping around for snowboard gear and equipment to make sure I have the proper stuff for a very good cost. It has been a fun adventure and will be even more rewarding once we hit the mountain tomorrow and thereafter.

I am concerned about two things and maybe some of you could contribute to clear this out. The first thing that comes to my mind is with such warm weather there might be little to no snow on the mountains (even though they make snow with their machines). If this is so wipeouts will hurt even more?! Should I be worried? I mean, I think of it as of surfing on a shallow reef or dry shore-break…it hurts but pays off ;)

The second concern in my mind is if surfing really helps out to be a good snowboarder. Do you find the transition from snowboarding to surfing or vice versa helps in any particular way to your performance level or learning curve when starting to practice one of these? Did you feel snowboarding or skiing helped you when starting to surf? 

I’ll post in the next couple of days about my adventures with Helene F. snowboarding in the mountain! Stay tuned!


  1. To clarify .... When there's no fresh powder falls do hurt more! I have found that over the past years of surfing my snowboarding has gotten better. Though trying to "snap off" things like fences, snowy trees and banks have sometimes not worked out so great haha

  2. Just to clear up some questions you had, yes it does hurt to wipe out in a little amount of snow and most of the time the hills are packed down and groomed by machines which sometimes causes ice which definitely hurts when falling on.Snowboarding can feel alot like surfing when in powder snow its getting used to having your feet strapped down that is a hard thing to overcome but other than that alot of the carving is quite similar especially on banks or quarter pipes or in powder.Have fun it its a great time!
